
Education and Educating

‘Education is the foundation to build a better future’

We firmly believe that we have a responsibility to support the education of the community and help develop the community of the future.

education educating

We do this through the provision of local schools on the sites which we develop, but also through our own graduate and apprenticeship schemes to help maintain high quality skills in the construction trade.

At Heyford Park, Dorchester Regeneration became one of the first developers to set up a charitable trust in order to form a Free School to meet the educational needs of the local community. This enabled us to help establish a brand new school on-site. Since opening, the Heyford Park Free School has become one of the most successful and over-subscribed schools in the area, and has developed its own bespoke community ethos. Dorchester invested over £6 million in the secondary school buildings at Heyford Park by refurbishing historic buildings, improving sports facilities and creating a dedicated arts campus.

In Whitehill & Bordon we have invested £21 million in local education, including almost £10 million in the relocation and construction of new school buildings for Oakmoor School.
